
Archaeological trial excavations of the tramway to start on Aninkaistenkatu in November

Archaeological trial excavations will be carried out on Aninkaistenkatu during the implementation planning of the Turku tramway, in the area between Eerikinkatu and Tuomiokirkkosilta Bridge. The area is one of the most significant archaeological sites in Finland. The work on Aninkaistenkatu will start on 4 November 2024.

Ilmakuva Uudenmaankadulta ja Aninkaistenkadulta Turussa.
Archaeological trial excavations will be carried out on Aninkaistenkatu during the implementation planning of the Turku tramway, in the area between Eerikinkatu and Tuomiokirkkosilta Bridge.

The Turku Harbour–Varissuo line passes through Turku’s old, detailed plan zone with the oldest urban settlement in Finland. The trial excavations are carried out to facilitate the technical planning of the tramway, schedule the archaeological excavations during the implementation stage and determine the costs and potential risks.

One of the most significant archaeological sites in Finland

The Aninkaistenkatu area has been inhabited since the medieval times until the modern day. It is part of the city’s oldest area with the highest cultural and historical value. As a site of historical interest, it is one of the most significant archaeological sites in Finland.

“Based on old maps and written sources, two brickwork buildings used to stand in the area. Determining the location and condition of these buildings in more detail is the main goal of the upcoming excavations. Another objective is to review the total depth of the archaeological layers near the river shore,” states Kari Uotila, head of the archaeological excavation site.

The dig sites were determined together with the Turku Museum Centre. The Finnish Heritage Agency has granted an excavation permit for the sites and will supervise that all measures will be performed in accordance with the valid legislation. The archaeological excavation on Aninkaistenkatu will be carried out by Muuritutkimus.

Trial excavations support further planning

The archaeological review conducted in connection to the tramway’s preliminary plan will be specified further during the implementation planning stage currently underway. The trial excavations will take place in locations where further information is needed to plan the tramway.

The basis is that the soil layers that would remain under the tramline during the possible construction stage will be excavated and inspected. The brickwork structures related to historical buildings will be preserved, conserved and protected.

“In addition to the information needed for planning, the excavations can provide us with interesting new insight into to history of Turku,” says Minna Tontti, the environmental and sustainability manager at Turku Tramway.

Traffic arrangements on Aninkaistenkatu

The excavations will start on 4 November and continue until December. During the work, one traffic lane turning from Eerikinkatu to Aninkaistenkatu will be closed up to Linnankatu. Pedestrians will be able to walk past the Aninkaistenkatu worksite on the pedestrian pathway. Cyclists will be guided to use the other side of the street.

Vehicles will be prohibited from turning from Aninkaistenkatu to Linnankatu to Vähätori Square’s direction during the excavation work. The service traffic to Linnankatu properties at Vähätori will take place through the Brahenkatu and Linnankatu junction.

Further information
Minna Tontti, Turun Raitiotie Oy, Environmental and Sustainability Manager, +358 40 160 2650,

Kari Uotila, Muuritutkimus Oy, +358 50 528 7360, (archaeological research)

Teemu Kallio, foreman, GRK Suomi Oy, +358 50 552 3990, (worksite and traffic arrangements)

The tramway is part of the growing city’s public transport reform that ensures smooth daily life and mobility in Turku also in future. The final planning stage of the Turku Harbour-Varissuo line is currently underway, along with the implementation planning, impact assessments and the trams’ tendering process. The construction of the tramway will start if the Turku City Council decides to invest in the tramway by late 2025. The implementation planning and potential construction of the Turku tramway will be conducted by Turku Tramway Alliance, which comprises Turun Raitiotie Oy (Turku Tramway), City of Turku, NRC Group Finland Oy, GRK Suomi Oy, Ramboll Finland Oy and Sweco Finland Oy.

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Archaeological trial excavations of the tramway to start on Aninkaistenkatu in November

Archaeological trial excavations will be carried out on Aninkaistenkatu during the implementation planning of the Turku tramway, in the area between Eerikinkatu and Tuomiokirkkosilta Bridge. The area is one of the m…